Request a Section

If you are a professor teaching a course where you will require students to enroll in Newsroom 101 and pay the $34.95 fee each, send us the information below, and we will be glad to set up a section for your students to use.

We apologize for the awkward procedure that follows, but various forms of spam protection have forced us to it.

So that your email system will recognize us and accept our reply, if possible email the request to us from the email account you will be using with your course.

Paste the following form into a blank email, fill it out, and send the email to us at the address at the end. Put "Section Request" in the subject line. Thank you.

SECTION REQUEST - Newsroom 101

First Name --

Last Name --

Position --

Institution --

Alternate email, in case we can't reach you on the first one --

Course name and number --

Start date --

End date (last date anyone will need access) --

Estimated enrollment --

If your department will pay for all students, please write "DEPARTMENT WILL PAY" here:  ____________

(We need this to set up your section.)

If you are requesting more than one section, paste another copy of the form into your email.

Please send this form to our primary Gmail business address, which follows. This is not a clickable link, so you'll need to type it.  (This awkward step helps reduce malware attacks on this page, and it signals your email server to accept our reply.)