If you have questions, comments or concerns, please let us know.
We apologize for the awkward procedure that follows. It helps prevent malware, and it tells your email server to accept a reply from us.
(1) Copy the form below.
(3) On your email program, create a new email and paste the form into it.
(4) Fill out the form, put "Contact form" in the subject line, and email it to our business Gmail address (to prevent harvesting, the address appears as an image, so you can't copy and paste it -- sorry):
Copy this form and paste it into the body of your email message:
CONTACT FORM - Newsroom 101
First Name --
Last Name --
Institution --
Alternate email, in case we can't reach you on the first one --
Role (Professor, Student, Media Professional, Other) --
Course name and number --
Your comment or question --