Taming the Very Wide Gradebook
The Newsroom 101 gradebook is very wide, and that can make it unwieldy. But there is a way you can collapse sections of the gradebook that you are not looking at.
The pretest and posttest scores appear last, to the (very) far right.
Other grades appeaer in the same order the topics appear in Newsroom 101.
If you want to work with grades somewhere in the middle of the gradebook, you can collapse the earlier sections as follows.
The top rows of the gradebook identify which topics are shown below — AP Style, Grammar, Word Usage, etc.
Next to each of these labels is a dropdown menu. If you choose “Show Totals Only,” all the grades in that topic will be hidden except the automatically generated average.
Choosing “Show Totals Only” helps you skip past the earlier sections of the gradebook to get to the one you need to see.
To again see all the grades in a topic, change the setting back to “Show Grades and Totals.”
